HOW TO USE Delsam pharma’s

eye drops products


Step-by-step instructions for proper use of

artificial tears product:

  1. Before you use eye drops, wash your hands with soap and warm water. Dry them with a clean towel.

  2. To put them in your own eyes, lie down or use a mirror. It may help to ask someone to check that the drops get in your eye.

  3. Look up to the ceiling with both eyes.

  4. Tilt your head back and pull your lower lid down with one hand. Hold the bottle or tube in your other hand. If you need to, rest part of your hand on your forehead to keep it steady.

  5. Place one drop or a little ointment inside your lower lid. Don’t let the tip of the bottle or tube touch your eye.

  6. Blink and dab away any extra fluid with a tissue.

  7. If you have both drops and ointment, use the drops first. If you don't, the ointment may keep the eye drops from being absorbed.

  8. If you have more than one type of drop, wait about 5 minutes after the first medicine before you use the second.

  9. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes. That lets the medicine get inside your eye.

  10. Wash your hands as soon as you’re done to remove any medication still there

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Step-by-step instructions for proper use of

artificial eye ointment product:

  1. Wash your hands. It’s important that they’re clean before you apply the ointment.

  2. Hold the tube in your hand. This helps warm the ointment so it flows more easily.

  3. Look at the ceiling. Tilt your head slightly. You want the ointment to flow away from your nose.

  4. Hold the tube of ointment close (within 1 inch) of your eye.

  5. Gently pull down your lower lid to create a pocket-like opening.

  6. Squeeze a tiny amount of ointment (about the size of a grain of rice) into your eye. When you’re done, spin the tube a little. This helps the ointment fall into your eye.

  7. Keep looking at the ceiling. Let your eyelid go. Softly close your eye for a minute. This helps your eye absorb the medicine eye. It may sting for a moment.

  8. Wash your hands again.

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Your eyesight may be cloudy or blurred at first. This is normal. So is mild redness of your eye. If you put too much in, it’ll be hard to see and it will probably feel gunky.

Use clean tissues to wipe off any extra ointment around your eye. Wipe the top of the tube before you replace the cap. It’s important that the tip of the tube never touches anything. This includes your eye, fingers, and bathroom counter.

You can also check out this great eye ointment tutorial pamphlet that you can print out!